Friday, February 19, 2010

Book Review(4)

Title : Charlotte’s web

Author: E.B.White

Charlotte’s web is a very interesting story. The story is mainly about how a spider calls Charlotte saves the life of a pig names Wilbur. The book is not very long and it attracts my attention easily and I finished reading it in a few hours. I highly recommend this book to others as it is a very touching story.

There was a young girl named Fern. She saved a little pig called Wilbur when her father was planning to kill it as Wilbur was too small to be sold. Fern kept Wilbur as a pet. Fern spent her free time with Wilbur the pig that she loved and the other barn animals that played a large part in the life of Wilbur. Soon, Wilbur grew older and bigger. Fern had also grown older and was more matured. She had more friends now and did not pay as much attention as before. As Wilbur had increased in so much size, Fern’s father decided to kill Wilbur. Charlotte, the large grey spider, befriended Wilbur and helped him deal with the shocking news that his life would end as bacon on someone’s plate. Charlotte went as far as coming up with an interesting plan that only this spider could carry out with the help of Templeton the rat (who never went anything unless there was something in it for himself) to help Wilbur escaped death. In the end, Charlotte was dead after giving birth to her baby spiders. But Charlotte was always remembered in Wilbur’s heart.